Friday, May 18, 2012


Before I lost my hearing, I had hearing aids. I could hear music and piano (and even played the piano and at the moment while I am COMPLETELY deaf teaching my 8 year old piano-ask me how-it really is very easy!). I was not able to hear the complete sound of music, so for example, if one were to play a chord on the piano, I would hear maybe one or two notes of that chord, but not the complete sound-does that make sense? As for music, I could never hear the words of the lyrics, but if one were to point to the words as the words are being sung and I put my hand on the boom box, I could understand and FEEL the rhythm of the song. So when it comes to worship in church, I always followed the music director by reading his lips to sing songs and feel whatever music I am able to feel and worship. (and I should tell you, I wondered if any of the music directors that I have had in the past in Church ever realized that I was the only one that noticed that he was not singing the right word or phrase while in worship and noticed he pulled that microphone back just a bit to make sure no one would hear his mistake-ha!) I love to worship through songs, my heart just lifts up in joy and using my hands through sign language just adds to the reflection of my love for Christ. Now that I am deaf, I have to tell you, worship in church is just so.....hard! Really! I don't feel comfortable singing because I can't control how loud or soft I am singing, if there is an unfamiliar song, I don't feel comfortable trying the song out with no rhythm or an idea of how the song flows, and frankly I need to HEAR the music! Isn't that just crazy?! I know I can use sign language and worship, but there is just something about lifting my voice in praise! So for Sundays, I sing the songs in my head/heart and I ache for the day that I can join in. So until then, when I am at home with my three little ones as my audience, oh do we worship!!!!!!!! I lift my voice and my kids join with me and we are L O U D even if the windows are open wide for our neighbors to hear! We sing songs from, This little light of mine to The B-I-B-L-E to Rejoice in the Lord Always to the kids favorite: This is the Day that the Lord has Made! I love my kids that they don't care if I am off tune and loud! God loves to hear us worship in so many ways, so I encourage one and all, join me in WORSHIPING HIM!

Oh and in case you're wondering, I have appointment with my doctor at the end of the month to discuss about my infection behind my eye at the end of the month and I hope to have that surgery done beginning June. My Cochlear Implant doctor wants me to heal for a month, so that puts me possibly end of June or beginning July to get my Cochlear Implant. I will then need to heal for a month and then possibly end of July or beginning August I can finally activate and HEAR! WHEW! We will keep praying and waiting (and worshiping!)

1 comment:

  1. my mom works at kroger and this is her daughter abigail that went to church with you and I am glad you got your inplats safeley and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad byyyy
